More about the IPP

The vision of IPP is centered on unity, education, and innovation, which we believe are the building blocks of a prosperous and peaceful Pakistan. Our collective efforts and shared vision will elevate Pakistan to new heights, making it a top nation on the global stage. Through these principles, we aim to bring stability to Pakistan and fulfill the aspirations of its citizens for a brighter future.

The Istehkam e Pakistan Party (IPP) envisions a future for Pakistan characterized by prosperity, peace, and global leadership. Our mission is to bring stability to Pakistan, fostering a sense of unity, promoting education, and encouraging innovation. Through these means, we aspire to elevate Pakistan to new heights and establish it as a top-ranking nation on the global stage. This vision is rooted in our commitment to collective efforts and a shared vision for the betterment of our beloved nation.

1. Unity for a Stronger Pakistan:

Unity Among Diverse Communities: We recognize Pakistan’s rich cultural diversity and aim to strengthen the unity among its various communities. We believe that a united nation is the cornerstone of progress, and by celebrating our diversity, we can build a stronger, more inclusive Pakistan.

Peace and Harmony: IPP is committed to promoting inter-faith harmony, protecting minority rights, and ensuring complete religious freedom. Our vision is to create a society where every citizen, regardless of their background, can live in peace and harmony.

2. Education for a Brighter Future:

Accessible Education: We envision a Pakistan where education is accessible to all, irrespective of their socioeconomic background. Our commitment includes establishing new government educational institutions at the district level and providing free education for children and youth.

Skills and Scholarships: IPP is dedicated to empowering the youth through easy access to interest-free loans, establishing training centers to develop a skilled workforce, and offering loans and foreign scholarships for talented and deserving students. We believe that an educated and skilled populace is the key to our nation’s progress.

3. Innovation for Global Leadership:

IT Sector Advancement: We aim to create jobs and raise living standards by promoting the growth of the Information Technology (IT) sector. Through innovation and technological advancements, we envision Pakistan becoming a leader in the global technology landscape.

Industrial Development: IPP plans to establish industrial zones in every city and district, with a focus on promoting cottage industries and safeguarding small and medium enterprises. Our vision is to foster economic growth and entrepreneurship.

4. Sustainable Development and Environmental Responsibility:

Environmental Conservation: We are committed to improving environmental conditions by planting millions of trees, cleaning canals, and reducing environmental pollution by half. We believe that a clean and green environment is essential for the well-being of our citizens.

5. Justice, Security, and Counter-Terrorism:

Reform in the Judicial System: IPP seeks revolutionary reforms to ensure the timely delivery of justice. We envision a judicial system that delivers decisions within a defined timeframe, promoting confidence and fairness in our legal institutions.

Counter-Terrorism Measures: Our commitment includes adopting concrete measures to end terrorism in the country, and ensuring the trial of terrorists on an emergency basis. We strive for a secure and peaceful Pakistan.

6.Foreign Policy and Global Leadership:

Independent Foreign Policy: IPP advocates for an independent foreign policy that safeguards Pakistan’s interests and promotes its sovereignty on the international stage. We aim to establish Pakistan as a respected and influential global leader.

7. Building Infrastructure and Economic Growth:

Infrastructure Development: We envision building new dams and water resources in collaboration with provincial units, addressing Pakistan’s water needs for a sustainable future.

Economic Prosperity: IPP plans to provide various economic incentives, including affordable housing schemes, fuel subsidies, and access to clean drinking water, aimed at improving the lives of our citizens.